6th Business Forum Greece-Sweden | Module 2
Τhe Hellenic-Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the context of the 6th Business Forum Greece-Sweden, entitled “Greece leaping into sustainable future”, which was previously postponed due
Τhe Hellenic-Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the context of the 6th Business Forum Greece-Sweden, entitled “Greece leaping into sustainable future”, which was previously postponed due
Τhe Hellenic-Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the context of the 6th Business Forum Greece-Sweden, entitled “Greece leaping into sustainable future”, organized the 1st Module of
Dear Members and Friends of the HSCC, We would like to inform you that Business Sweden has recently conducted a business climate survey to map
Webinar: “Cybersecurity- Protecting your business against cyber attacks during Covid-19” presented by Neurosoft, took place on Wednesday July 1, 2020. Members and friends of the
The Annual General Assembly of the Hellenic-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, took place on Monday 22 June 2020. Due to Covid -19, the Annual General Assembly was
A Webcast Event on Covid-19: “Reflections from the Pharmaceutical Industry”, by Elena Chouliara, President & Managing Director, AstraZeneca, took place on Friday May 8, 2020.
A Digital Event on the situation on COVID-19, with H.E. the Ambassador of Sweden to Greece Mrs Charlotte Sammelin, took place on Tuesday April 7,
The Annual Pita Cutting Ceremony and Networking Event took place on Tuesday January 21, 2020, at the Residence of the Ambassador of Sweden to Greece,
The Hellenic-Swedish Chamber of Commerce organised it’s Christmas Party, on Tuesday 10 December 2019. Guest of Honor and Speaker was the Deputy Minister to the
The Hellenic-Swedish Chamber of Commerce organized it’s Annual General Assembly Meeting & Elections at the Residence of H.E. the Ambassador of Sweden to Greece, Mrs.
The Hellenic-Swedish Chamber of Commerce organised an event, In Converation with European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Mr. Dimitris Avramopoulos, entitled “The Future of
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